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Creating is deepest part of me, my  senses are fired by materials and people that cross my path.

I look forward to hear your story ...









A wooden chapel that challenges the laws of gravitation and blends with the elements of nature in an undulating landscape…

Iconic heads in different sizes and materials, with mysterious cubist and ethnic hallmarks reminiscent of the Moai on Easter Island…

Circles that invite to circulate, collaborate, contribute,.. 


The present page gathers images and drawings of a selection of artistic achievements by Frits Jeuris, in his creative journey so far. The aim is not to provide a detailed and complete encyclopedic glossary of his work, but rather to give an impression of his work-in-progress through a number of milestones in his artistic evolution. 


Ever since childhood, Frits Jeuris is inventing and making sculptures and works of art with everything he finds, one day Frits Jeuris decided to say goodbye to the ‘rat race called life’ and completely devote himself to his creativity. With his decision, Frits Jeuris changed the course of his existence and the course of the river of his imagination, freeing his indomitable constant flow of ideas and concepts. He reinvented his life.


Frits Jeuris is a master of reinvention. His work is like an anagram ;  rearrange the letters in a word and you get a new word and a new meaning. Frits Jeuris is a conceptual thinker and doer who rearranges objects, materials, and ideas, into a new reality using his technical background and critical eye. These objects and materials often have a history, or marked by scars, or are worn out. For Frits Jeuris materials matter. Frits Jeuris brings them together in an idiosyncratic way, and together they get a new life and tell a new life-giving story or make us think or look at the world from a different perspective.  Also in the titles of his works he is playful in the rearrangement of meanings and messages:

“An other point of you” – “Another point of view”

“Think a head” – “Think ahead”


The story that Frits Jeuris is writing day by day, drawing by drawing, brick by brick, is one of authenticity. It is a story without incomprehensible philosophies, but straightforward and uncomplicated, yet of undeniable ingenuity. His work is situated at the nexus of arts, design and technology and often reflects his fascination for the laws of nature, gravity, electricity, light, time and space. Through the choice of materials and subjects, he connects past and future. Like an experimental scientist in a lab, he likes to explore, try things out and ask questions. 

The art of Frits Jeuris is tangible, approachable and radiates a magnetic attraction. Since a number of his works are situated in the public space, this portfolio with as title “JUSTIFIERS2” (anagram of Frits Jeuris) can also be considered as a gentle invitation to the reader to visit the works in-situ, to touch them, and to experience them with all senses. 


Jean V. Manca






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